The Department of Russian and world literature
Head of Department - Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor Ivan Afanasyev.
Department of Russian and world literature (up to 2005 - Department of Russian literature) in its present form was founded in 1970: in addition to the Chair of Belarusian literature, she was separated from the joint chair of literature. Over the years, the department was headed by Doctor of Philology, professor P.P.Ohrimenko, Ph.D., associate N.V.Rodchenko, V.N.Sobolenko, L.L.Ermakova. Currently head of the department is a candidate of philological sciences, associate professor I.N.Afanasev. The collective work of the department of 11 people, including - 6 candidates of sciences, among them - 5 professors; 3 senior teachers, 1 assistant, 2 laboratory.
Representatives of the department have been awarded three times higher in the Gomel State University named after Francis Skorina scientific recognition - laureates Skorininskih scientific readings. In 1987 - Associate V.N.Sobolenko for scientific work "Forms incarnation of thought in people's epic novel." In 2002 - Associate I.N.Afanasev for a series of scientific papers "Chernobyl era of artistic expression and experience of national culture." In 2007 - Associate N.P.Kapshay per cycle research "Development and implementation of innovative methods of integrative teaching in university and school courses on the history of Russian, Belarusian and world literature."
Main educational disciplines of the department:
1. The history of Russian literature (from ancient times to the twentieth century, inclusive).
2. Modern Russian Literature.
3. Russian literature abroad.
4. Folklore.
5. History of Russian literary criticism.
6. The history of foreign literature (from antiquity to modern times).
7. Introduction to Literature.
8. Theory of Literature and the foundations of aesthetics.
9. Methods of teaching literature.
10. Disciplines of specialization ("The classic parable in the spiritual traditions of humanity", "Schools and methods in literary criticism", "Genre confession in the world artistic tradition", "traditional Russian folk spiritual culture", "mifopoeticheskogo space of a literary text", "Archetype and psychoanalytic art history, "" universal literature ").