Inna B. Azarova


Specialization: Philology, Faculty of Philology, Gomel State University, 1989. 

Born on 22.05.1966. In 1989 she graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology GSU. In 1996 she graduated from the postgraduate school. Discipline: "The History of World Literature (Antiquity, Middle Ages and Renaissance)", "History of Russian Literature (18th century)," The discipline of specialization "Bilingual Russian-Belarusian lyrics 19-early 20th centuries."


The study of the problems of bilingualism, the role of the Belarusian word in Russian literary text: in particular, the issue specific function and the study of formation of the Belarusian cultural-historical type, and its reflection in the work of the Russian-speaking Belarusian authors turn of 19-20 centuries, the study of problems folk influences on the development of Belarusian Written 19-early 20th centuries.

2011 Inna B. Azarova. Филологический факультет им. Ф. Скорины
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