Alexandra A. Stankevich


Specialization: Philology, Faculty of Philology, Tomsk State University. Doctor of Philology (1997), Professor. 

Main appointments
* Assistant of Literature Chair, Mozyr Pedagogical Institute named after N.K. Krupskaya, 1968-1969.
* Assistant of Russian Language and Literature Chair, Gomel State University, 1969-1971.
* Assistant of Russian and Belarussian Languages Chair, Gomel State University, 1971-1973.
* Teacher of Belarussian Language Chair, Gomel State University, 1975-1976.
* Senior Lecturer of Belarussian Language Chair, Gomel State University, 1976-1978.
Associate Professor of Belarussian Language Chair, Gomel State University, 1978-1991.
* The Head of The Belarussian Language Chair, Gomel State University, since 1991.
* Professor and Head of The Belarussian Language Chair, Gomel State University, since 2000.


The stylistics of Belarussian language, rhetorics, historical and modern literature and dialect lexicology and lexicography.


1. Stankevich, A.A.  Language and Society: translingual contacts and lexical interaction in Belarussian human dialects. - Minsk, Republic Institute of High School, 2012 - 220 p.
2. Stankevich, A.A.  Names of clothes, shoes and headwear in Gomel dialects: ethnolinguistical analysis. - Gomel: GSU, 2004. - 213 p. (as co-author with E.N. Voinova).
3. Stankevich, A.A. Belarussian scientific and technical terminology: formation, functioning, development. - Gomel: GSU, 2004. - 146 p. (as co-author with S.M. Anis'kova, L.N. Minakova).


2011 Alexandra A. Stankevich. Филологический факультет им. Ф. Скорины
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