Educational disciplines


Department of Russian and world literature provides teaching of the following disciplines:

1. History of Russian Literature (from ancient times to the twentieth century included).

2. Modern Russian Literature.

3. Russian literature abroad.

4. Folklore.

5. The history of Russian literary criticism.

6. The history of foreign literature (from antiquity to the present).

7. Introduction to Literary Studies.

8. Literary theory and basis of aesthetics.

9. Methods of teaching literature.

10. Discipline of study ("Classical parable in the spiritual traditions of humanity," "Schools and methods of literary criticism," "Genre confession in the world artistic tradition", "Traditional Russian folk spiritual culture", "Mythopoetic space literary text", "Archetype and psychoanalytic study of art" , "Universal literature").



Department of Russian and world literature (up to 2005 - Department of Russian Literature) in its present form was established in 1970: together with the Department of the Belarusian literature, it has been isolated from the joint Department of Literature. Over the years, the department was headed by Doctor of Philology, Professor P.P.Ohrimenko, PhD, associate professors N.V.Rodchenko, V.N.Sobolenko, L.L.Ermakova. Currently chair of the candidate of philological sciences, professor I.N.Afanasev. In the department employs 13 people, including - six candidates, among them - five assistant professors, two senior lecturers, 5 assistants, 2 laboratory.

At present, the Department of Science arsenal worthy achievements are presented as traditional (classical) literature, and modern innovations humanities (intertextual analysis), harmonic unity is due to the extensive research interests of the department and deep philosophical understanding of artistic reality, taking into account the totality of its determining factors: is aesthetic and vneesteticheskogo properties. The main direction of scientific activity of the department is to study the socio-cultural aspects of literature and folklore in the methodological relatedness of literary history to philosophy, psychology, theory of literature, folklore, and other areas in an interdisciplinary community that determines the specificity of humanitarian knowledge. In Topical for these studies suggest: understanding the mechanisms mifopoetical modeling world in the traditional literary text (from the ritual to the author) and the reality of the modern Formula text art, genre analysis of the structural components of a literary text, the study of philosophical and aesthetic features of the implementation of the existential motifs in the works of Representatives Russian religious-philosophical renaissance, development of the creative heritage of individual writers as art system, the definition of ideological and aesthetic coordinates of the Russian and Belarusian literature of the catastrophe in terms of common historical experience of the twentieth century, and understanding the story as "the efforts of literature."

For the first time in the Republic of the department were carried out studies on the problems of Chernobyl attitude in modern literature, which in the conceptual unity with the development, dedicated anti-war consciousness in the prose of the Great Patriotic War, marked the approach to the "aesthetic phenomenology" era of catastrophes.

Representatives of the department have been awarded three times higher in Gomel State University named Skarina scientific recognition - laureates Skorininskih scientific readings. In 1987 - Associate V.N.Sobolenko for scientific work "embodiments of thoughts in people's epic novel." In 2002 - Associate I.N.Afanasev for a series of scientific papers "artistic expression of the Chernobyl era and the experience of the national culture." In 2007 - Associate N.P.Kapshay for a series of scientific research "Development and implementation of innovative methods in integrative teaching and school-university courses on the history of Russian, Belarusian and world literature".

The Depatment


Head - PhD, Associate Professor Ivan Afanasyev. The department including 13 teachers, among them- six candidates. The department is actively cooperating with the Doctor of Philology, Senior Fellow, Institute of world literature named after AM Gorky, Russian Academy of Sciences SA Nebolsin, literary and cultural studies, LA Anna's, the main editor of the Russian historical magazine "Rodina" YA Borisenko.

The basic training of disciplines: History of Russian Literature (from ancient times to the twentieth century inclusive), Modern Russian literature, Russian literature abroad, Folklore, History of literary criticism, History of foreign literature (from antiquity to the present), Introduction to the study of literature, Literary theory and basis aesthetics and methodology of teaching literature.

At the department operates postgraduate studies in "Russian literature." An important line of research department - cycle of scientific conferences: the "Great Patriotic War in the fate of literature and culture: the historical experience of both philosophical and moral choice", "Christian Humanism and its tradition in Slavic culture."

The department has started the development of new disciplines - "The Psychology of Literary Creation", "Fundamentals of literary and artistic activity," "Stylistic editing and proofreading," "Copy editing", "Textual" - in the direction of "Literary and editorial activity."


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2011 Результаты работы СНИЛ. Филологический факультет им. Ф. Скорины
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