Educational disciplines


1. Belarusian paleagrafiya

2. Introduction to Slavic philology
3. Introduction to Linguistics
4. Modern Belarusian language
5. Мodern Slavic languages
6. Old Slavonic
7. Belarusian dialectology
8. Office work
9. History of the Belarusian language
10. Latin
11. Belarusian language teaching methodology
12. Rhetoric
13. Culture of the Belarusian language and style
14. General Linguistics
15. Belarusian history of linguistics
16. Disciplines of specialization
17. Elective
18. Belarusian language (special "English", "German")


Discipline of specialization 01-21 05 01 01 "Linguistics" specialty 01-21 05 01 "Belarusian philology"

1 The method of analysis of speech in school and college (3rd year)
2 philological terminology: the formation, development and operation (3rd year)
3 onomastics Gomel region: the names of the native land (4th year)
Four semantic-syntactic study of Belarusian language (4th year)
5 The linguistic analysis of text (5th year)


Discipline of specialization 01-21 05 02 07 "Belarusian language and literature" specialty 01-21 05 02 "Russian Philology"

1 Modern grammatical theory (3rd year)
2 Actual problems of the Belarusian language teaching methodology (4th year)
3 General and specific grammatical features Russian and Belarusian (4th year)
4 Rate and Style (4th year)

Discipline of specialization 01-21 05 01 07 "Literary work in newspapers and magazines" specialty 01-21 05 01 "Belarusian philology"

1 Basics of literary activities in newspapers and magazines (4th year)
2 Diction journalist (4th year)
3 Technology of the journalistic text (5th year).



The Department of the Belarusian language UO "Gomel State University Skaryna" is located in the building № 1 University at Svaetskaya Street, 108, r. 2-22, telephone department - 8 (0232) 602 265.

Head - Doctor of Philology, Professor Stankiewicz Alexandra. Now teaching staff - this is 18 people, among them - 2 Doctor of Philology, Professor, and 14 candidates of philology.
Teachers of the department is carried out training activities at the philological faculty for students majoring in "Belarusian fialalogiya" and "Russian Philology", on the historical and legal departments, as well as the Faculty of Foreign Languages.

Each year, staff of the department has been actively involved in the centralized testing.
The Department of the Belarusian language works in accordance with the quality management system, according to which each employee is personally liable to the extent of its competence for the quality of their work.
Teachers of the department have been developed and incorporated into the learning process lectures on the basic disciplines of the faculty based on the best pedagogical experience with innovative technologies. Instructional materials developed annually for practical training, exercises for self-control and works of students, consisting tickets for exams, assignments to the examination for students of correspondence department. Developed basic training and work programs in the disciplines of the department.

In addition to traditional philological disciplines, the department of the Belarusian language each academic year to develop and implement new learning process dytsypliny specialization. Thus, in 2011-2012 teachers of the department classes on specialization "Computational Linguistics" course "Psycholinguistics" and "sociolinguistics". Continue teaching specialized courses in the disciplines of specialization "Literary work in newspapers and magazines."
By the way, many graduates fialagichnaga faculty with specialty "Belarusian philology" specialization "of a literary work in newspapers and magazines," working in mass media Gomel region.

Employees of the Department of the Belarusian language are also involved in the implementation of many research projects. Research interests of teachers of faculty is diverse. Research at the Department is working to develop research topics: "Vocabulary of national life and economy in speeches Gomel Region", "People's natural terminology," "vocabulary of material and spiritual culture of the East Slavic Belarusians in context" (supervisor - Doctor of Philology, Professor Stankiewicz A.lyaksandra A.) "phraseological kantseptualizatsyya and Belarusians kategaryzatsyya world" (supervisor - Doctor of Philology, Professor Leschinskaya Olga).
On faculty scientific seminar, in which are active all teachers kafdery, preparing a variety of research reports, participate in the discussion of the papers read by members of the department.

The department examines theses submitted for the degree of Candidate of Philology. Members of the department are the opponents at the candidate and doctoral dissertations and other universities.
Is active at the Department of Student Research. Many students fialalgichnaga department under the supervision of teachers of the department are involved in student conferences. Annual scientific work of students, submit student papers, which holds the Ministry of Education Resupbliki Belarus.
The Department of the Belarusian language is regularly organizes international scientific conferences. Became traditional conference "Skorina our time" "Scientific readings in Stepan Nekrashevich", "Traditions of the material and spiritual culture of the Eastern Polesie: problems of study and conservation in the post-Chernobyl time." Also, members of the department are actively involved in other international scientific meetings held in the universities of our country and beyond.

Department of the Belarusian language

Head - Candidate of Philological Sciences Elena N. Voinava                                                                            

The department of the Belarusian language is determined by the high scientific potential: 85% of the employees of the department have academic degrees of doctors and candidates of philological sciences.

There are two Doctor of Philology, Professors and 9 candidates of philology work at the department.

The department of the Belarusian language has 13 professors, among them:

2 Doctors of Philology, Professors, 

8 candidate of philological sciences, associate professors, 

1 candidate of philological sciences, senior lecturer,

1 senior lecturer,

1 assistant.

The department holds the international and republican scientific conference:

"Traditions of the material and spiritual culture of East Polissya: problems of studying and saving time in post-Chernobyl";

"Skorina and our time";

"Light of Skaryna's ideas"

Basic educational disciplines:

  • Belarusian paleography
  • Introduction to Linguistics
  • Modern Belarusian language
  • Old Church Slavonic
  • Latin
  • Belarusian dialectology
  • Historical Grammar of the Belarusian language
  • History of Belarusian literary language
  • Modern Slavic (Polish) language
  • Methods of teaching Belarusian language
  • rhetoric
  • The culture of the Belarusian language and stylistics
  • general linguistics
  • History of the Belarusian Linguistics

Department operates on scientific and pedagogical school "Belarusian linguistics" (supervisor - Professor A. Stankiewich)

The main directions of scientific and pedagogical schools:

Urgent problems of contemporary and historic literary and dialect lexicology and lexicography;
Problems of style, and linguistic poetics and lingustuc programatics.

Each year perspective graduates of the Faculty of Philology and the Faculty of Foreign Languages of GSU named after F. Skorina comes to the magistracy at the Department of the Belarusian language. Undergraduates have a solid opportunity to practice scientific activities.

The best graduates of master's inspired and obsessed with research activities, have the opportunity to continue the scientific and educational activities in graduate school, which operates under the Department of the Belarusian language.
Postgraduate study and doctoral degree 10:02:01 - Belarusian.

From 1996 to 2006. Council functioned K.02.12.03 for PhD theses in 10:02:01 "Belarusian language", which was protected by 35 master's theses.

At the department also work Student Scientific Laboratory and Laboratory memorial by Doctor of Philology Profesor Vladimir Anichenko and  organized a school of young linguists. A branch of the department are working in secondary schools in Gomel: in the public schools number 10 and number 36.


Полуян Елена Николаевна

Должность: декан филологического факультета

Ученая степень, звание: кандидат филологических наук, доцент

Контактная информация: телефон 51-21-36, 1 корпус ГГУ, кабинет 2-20

Адрес электронной почты: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Гомонова Инна Геннадьевна


Должность: заместитель декана по учебной работе

Ученая степень, звание: кандидат филологических наук

Адрес электронной почты: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Контактная информация: телефон 51-21-52, 1 корпус ГГУ, кабинет 2-15

Шведова Зоя Владимировна


Должность: заместитель декана по идеологической и воспитательной работе

Ученая степень, звание: кандидат филологических наук, доцент

Адрес электронной почты: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Контактная информация: телефон 51-21-46, 1 корпус ГГУ, кабинет 2-21

Хазанова Екатерина Львовна

Должность: заместитель декана по

научной работе

Ученая степень, звание: кандидат филологических наук, доцент

Адрес электронной почты: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Контактная информация: телефон 51-21-46, 1 корпус ГГУ, кабинет 2-3

Дробышевская Людмила Игоревна


Должность: заместитель декана по информатизации

Адрес электронной почты: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Контактная информация: телефон 51-21-48, 1 корпус ГГУ, кабинет 2-18

Лапицкая Надежда Ивановна



Должность: заместитель декана по работе с иностранными студентами

Ученая степень, звание: кандидат филологических наук, доцент

Адрес электронной почты:

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Контактная информация: телефон 51-21-47, 1 корпус ГГУ, кабинет 2-24

Фицнер Татьяна Адамовна

Фицнер Татьяна Адамовна

Должность: заместитель декана по профориентационной работе

Ученая степень, звание: кандидат филологических наук, доцент

Адрес электронной почты: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Контактная информация: телефон 51-21-48, 1 корпус ГГУ, кабинет 2-18

Давжинец Анна Сергеевна



Специалист деканата

Адрес электронной почты:

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Контактная информация: телефон 51-21-36, 1 корпус ГГУ, кабинет 2-20

Левая Софья Анатольевна


Специалист деканата

Контактная информация: телефон 51-21-36, 1 корпус ГГУ, кабинет 2-20

Philological Department

The story having originated from the Department of Philology since the time of  the Gomel Pedagogical Institute formation. In 2009 the Department celebrated its 80th anniversary, for these years its name was changed from the Literature and Linguistics Department, then Literature Department, then Department of Philology, to Department of Philology.
Philological Departmentis one of the oldest and largest ones at the university. It consists of five chairs: the Belarusian Language chair, Belarusian Literature chair, Russian chair, Slavonic and General Linguistics chair, Russian and World literature chair; Belarusian Culture and folklore chair. The specialists of these chairs work at the Department of Philology and other departments of Gomel State university as well. They are staffed with highly qualified personnel. Among them eight doctors of science, 38 candidates of philological sciences and seven professors. The departmets of History and Foreign Languages are the offsprings of the Department of Philology.
Departmenttrains highly qualified specialists at the branches of Linguistics, Literature and the Computational Linguistics. The graduates of the Department join the ranks of scientists, writers and local historians, working at research centers, universities, museums, archives, offices, the media, government and governance and various social organizations.
Nowadays the Departmentprovides training by the following specialties and specializations: Belarusian Philology; Belarusian Philology with an additional specialization as the English language, Belarusian Philology with an additional specialization as literary work in newspapers and magazines; Russian Philology; Russian philology with an additional specialization as Belarusian Language and Literature, Russian philology with an additional specialization as Computational Linguistics. In 2009 - 2010 educational year it began training at specialities named "Belarusian philology","Russian Philology","Literary and editorial work" and "ComputationalLinguistics".
To provide educational and methodical process
a linguistic laboratory was created, also Polish Studies Room, Chinese Studies Room were founded, The Regional Centre for Russian Studies was established, the student folklore research laboratory, a computer class were opened.
The department provides various activities for its students. Students enjoy participating in the competitions for the best reader, Slavonic culture evenings, folklore festivals held not only at the Department but also at the Slavonic and city regional libraries. The club of poets, prose writers and critics (named Krynitsa (a water Spring) has been working at the department for many years. Its participants pubish the collections of their literary works regularly. Student academic folklore laboratory headed by Doctor of philology   V. Novak is not only a center for systematization ofmaterial collected during folkloric-ethnographic expeditions, and it is an active promoter of the spiritual heritage in the Polesye region.
Department regularly holds meetings with prominent representatives of science and culture, creative teams of the city, region and republic,as wel as with leading scientists of the universities of the republic and foreign countries.
The departmentscholars conduct research in the history, lexicology, lexicography of the Belarusian language, culture and stylistics,the history of the development of culture, ethnography and folklore of Belarus, the new phenomena in contemporary Belarusian literature, literary criticism and literary traditions of the sister, etc. The results are discussed at the annual International and Republican theoretical and practical conferences on topical issues of Belarusian and Russian linguistics, folklore and culture, problems of literary criticism.
There are made major research schools in the area of linguistics and literature which are headed by Pr.A.A. Stankiewicz , Pr. I.F. Steiner, Pr. V.I. Koval, Pr. R.M. Kozlova, Pr. A.F. Rogalev,Pr. V.S. Novak. The annual scientific journal "The News of the Gomel State university" is prepared and edited by the staff of the department.
Postgraduate courses are provided in the field of Belarussian and Russian languages, Belarussian and Russian literatures. In 2001 it became possible to obtain a doctor's degree in the field of Belarussian Linguistics.


2011 Результаты работы СНИЛ. Филологический факультет им. Ф. Скорины
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