Elena A. Kostritsa



Specialization: Philology, Faculty of Philology, Gomel State University.  Candidate of Philological Sciences. 

She graduated from the Faculty of Philology Gomel State University specialty "Belarusian language and literature" and postgraduate school at the State Scientific Institution "Institute of Arts, Ethnography and Folklore", National Academy of Sciences. In 2007 she defended her thesis on "Mythological representations in Belarus signs and beliefs about natural phenomena and human activities". Associate Professor of the Belarusian culture and folklore chair. Author of 58 publications.


The signs and beliefs as a distinct genre of the Belarusian folklore and ethno-cultural texts as a unique phenomenon of the Belarusian folklore.

Dmitry D. Pavlovets



Specialization: Philology, Faculty of Philology, Gomel State University, 1976.  Candidate of Philological Sciences. 

Born (1950) and raised in the Pinsk region in a large peasant family worked on the farm, served in the Soviet Army, he graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology of Gomel State University (1976) specialty "Belarusian language and literature, Russian language and literature". PhD thesis: "Interaction of Church and Belarusian languages in XVII-XVIII centuries." (1985). Associate Professor of the Belarusian culture and folklore chair. Specialization is the story of the Belarusian language and its relationship with other Slavic.

There are more than 150 publications in scientific and popular publications ("Belarusian linguistics", "Belarusian language" Lim, "Flame", "Native Word", "Russian language"), local history materials in national and local newspapers. Co-author of "The Russian-Belarusian dictionary sports terms" (Minsk, 1995), "The Folklore dictionary Gomel Region" (Gomel, 1998), the book "Light of spiritual values. Zhlobinsky Region: Past and Present" (edited by V. Novak, A . A. Stankevich) (Homel, 2009).


Belarusian onomastics, the issues of speech, the history of Belarusian culture, formation of the Belarusian orthography, local lore.

Elena N. Poluyan


Specialization: Philology, Faculty of Philology, Gomel State University, 1992.  Candidate of Philological Sciences, 2003. Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Philology for academic work.

She was born in Minsk region. She graduated from the Faculty of Philology of the Gomel State University Skorina specialty "Belarusian language and literature. Russian Language and Literature" (1992), graduate of the University (2000). Since 1993 he has been working at the Department of the Belarusian culture (now Department of the Belarusian culture and folklore). In 2002 she defended her thesis on "The Belarusian Anatomical Terminology." Associate Professor of the Belarusian culture and folklore chair.


Ethnolinguistics, etnokulturologiya, Belarusian language teaching methodology for non-philological faculties.

Valentina S. Novak



Specialization: Philology, Faculty of Philology, Belarusian State University, 1978.  Candidate of Philological Sciences (1990). Doctor of Philology (2002), Professor (2006). Head of the Belarusian culture and folklore chair.

Born in 1954 in a. October Logoisk district, Minsk region, graduated in 1978, the Faculty of Philology of the educational establishment "Belarusian State University" specialty "Belarusian and Russian language and literature."
In 1990 he defended his thesis for the degree of Candidate of Philology. In 1997, Novak V. was named winner Skaryninskih scientific readings GSU F. Skaryna for his work on "Folk traditions Gomel Polesie". In 2002 he defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philology. In 2003 she was awarded the Diploma of the Gomel Regional Executive Committee for fruitful work and contribution to the development of the Belarusian Science, and was awarded the Prize of the Council of the Special Presidential Fund for talented young people, was awarded a scholarship of the President. In 2005 she was awarded a medal Skarina. In 2006 she received the title of professor of literature in the specialty. Since 2007, the head of the department of the Belarusian culture and folklore.
He is a member of the Council for doctoral theses in 10:01:09 -Folklore at the Institute of Arts, Ethnography and Folklore of the K. Nettles NASB.


The problem of interaction, multi-ethnic folk traditions, regional and local study of folklore and Slavic mythology of Gomel Belarusian, folk traditions Bryansk-Gomel-Chernigov borderland. Takes an active part in the implementation of research projects (the Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research), the Ministry of Education.
Novak V. manages the task of the state program "History, culture, society and the State" (subprogram "History and Culture" (2011 -2015).) "The current state of traditional folklore and mythology of the Belarusian Polesie: genres mifasemantyka, poetics", is a scientific Head of the Russian-Belarusian Belarusian project "Establishment and functioning of traditional culture on the territory of the Russian-Belarusian border region: cross-cultural interaction in the diachronic and synchronic" and a regional research project, "Petrik and Petrykavshchyna: current state of spiritual culture, rituals and customs."
Developed the concept of local-regional strategy for the field of folklore studies Gomel.
Has published more than 200 scientific works, including the individual and collective monographs, educational and practical manuals, and articles. He is the author-compiler of many folklore and ethnographic collections in different areas of Gomel.

Тацоха Дина Олеговна


         Должность: лаборант кафедры

         Адрес электронной почты:




Тацоха Дина Олеговна закончила ГГУ имени Ф. Скорины в 2006 году, специальность "Белорусский язык и литература со специализацией "Английский язык" (диплом с отличием). Работала по распределению преподавателем английского языка. С сентября 2010 года работает лаборантом кафедры русской и мировой литературы. Среди интересов: вокал, кинематограф, реализация увлечений в интернете.

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